Documentation: Sharing the Learning Ft. Sharon Goldman
Sharon Goldman
Meet our guest
Sharon Goldman, our guest this month, began her career working for Teach for America. During that time, she noticed there was a big need for change in our education system and went back to school to study law. Eventually, Sharon found her way back to the classroom and has put her heart into teaching, learning and researching with children. Sharon’s passion, documentation, is a vital part of a Reggio-inspired, constructivist classroom. Documenting growth and making the learning visible that children do each day is a way in which to assess learning, reflect on knowledge and the classroom as a whole and facilitate new learning and projects. Sharon’s outlook and positive nature makes for an inspirational episode with many practical takeaways for teachers to get started and not overthink documentation.
Currently, Sharon works at Moriah Early Childhood Center as the assistant director and Research and Documentation Collaborator. She is also the director of communications for Ideal 18, an intergenerational experience as we as the co-founder and Educational Director of Within the Image, that offers connection and exploration with children through imagery.
To contact Sharon, email her at
To find out more about her intergenerational work, visit Ideal18.
“Documentation is giving them [children] importance and space in the world.”
Teacher Takeaways
Advice on how to get started: Observe and “catch a moment.”
Write, take videos, pictures
Reflect with others on your observations.
Listen to your gut. What was so important about the moment/investigation/interaction that you just witnessed?
Sharon’s process:
Create questions. What do we (teachers) want to know? What are the children’s curiosities?
Deep observation: What are you noticing? Take notes, pictures, and videos while observing. What materials do you have that supports these questions/investigations?
Reflect: Reflection brings us understanding. (See #3 below for more detail)
Things to ask and think about while reflecting on observations:
Look for: patterns, theories, learning styles.
Ask: where do we go from here? How will this learning impact the classroom?
Documentation is not meant to be a solitary activity. Plan ahead and throughout the process with your co-teachers and colleagues.
Plan ahead and ask: How can we support one another?
Decide who will: take pictures, notes, watch and manage the rest of the class.
A team that wonders together energizes the work we do as teachers and creates a culture of curiosity with the children.
Referenced in the Interview