Technology and Children ft. Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Meet our guest
Erin is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through the conflicting information about kids and technology. She is fiercely committed to bringing an equity lens and asset-based approach to our understanding of, and response to, youth and media. Her signature down-to-earth approach and sense of humor helps families and educators engage in complicated topics and leave feeling capable and motivated. Erin co-founded Spark and Stitch Institute with her father, Dr. David Walsh, in 2019 and together they continue to research and offer webinars and other educational resources online.
For more information and to follow Erin online, go to or on Facebook at and on twitter at @Erin_K_Walsh.
Click HERE to register for Erin’s free webinar “Status Update: Kids, Screens and Mental Health”
““We want our children to see technology as a learning tool- a creative tool.””
Teacher Takeaways
Technology + Children…
Screen time approach: you must think about so many factors other than just time spent. The idea of technology as a ‘place’, think about:
Who (is around)
If there is too much (screen time) that gets in the way of things like connection, relationships, and play, then we see a negative outcome.
When families use technology together (i.e. Zoom for school!) to connect and learn, then it’s not a toxic subject but rather a useful tool.
Technology should be thought of as one ‘tool’ of many!
General time limit recommendation: 1 hr./day for 2-5-year-olds (Entertainment media DOES NOT include learning media in this limit).
Moods and kids: pay attention to temperament when using screens and after.
Kids get the most out of technology when engaging with others, like a peer or adult.
Ask yourself: is it helping or getting in the way? Is it one of many things? Are children just passively consuming? Does it introduce new experiences?
Give yourself grace and look for patterns.
Referenced in the Interview