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Meaningful Outdoor Play Ft. Margie Pines

Meaningful Outdoor Play Ft. Margie Pines

Meet our guest

Margie Pines

Our time talking with Margie about outdoor play was inspirational and a breath of fresh air. We’ve worked with Margie professionally over the years and it’s always a joy to connect.

Interestingly enough, Margie's career started with a law degree- yet her heart and soul pulled her towards early childhood education.  Margie Pines has been working in early childhood for over ten years, and she’s spent the past several years experimenting with new teaching methods which aim to give young children more time in nature.  Her innovation in the classroom eventually earned her the 2017 Sue Pinsky Award for Excellence.  

In June of 2019, Margie started Ta’am Teva, a non- profit organization that offers outdoor enrichment programs for 3-6-year-olds.  The mission of Ta’am Teva is to help children experience nature through a Jewish lens.

If you want more information about our program you can find us at, #ta’amteva, or on FaceBook.

“Nature has a calming influence; it’s like taking a deep breath.”
— Margie Pines

Teacher Takeaways

Outdoor Play…

  1. Outdoor play is so important for mental health!

    • Aim for at least 2 hrs/day.

  2. Outdoor play allows for Independence, Risk-taking, freedom, a multi-sensory experience.

  3. For risks: have children talk about them and establish boundaries with you before play.

    • Ask: “What boundaries are good and important for safety?”

  4. Intentionally plan for what’s happening in nature and outside on your playground

    • Suggested materials: Binoculars

    • Magnifying glass

    • Buckets (YES, for each child!) 

  5. Ways to Bring the outdoors inside: 

    • Planting (Teaches empathy)

    • Microgreens! (Grow fast and kids can cut and eat or explore).

    • Seasonal items from outdoor. (Leaves, flowers, branches, rocks, bugs!)  


Referenced in the Interview

Margie’s Nature/Outdoor Play Recommendations:

Closed Loop Farms


Spirit in Nature: Teaching Judaism and Ecology on the Trail by Matt Biers Ariel and Deborah Newbrun

Wild City Book by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks. Lots of ideas for in the City

Wild Things by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks

Growing Up Wild:  Exploring Nature with Young Children from Project Wild. (This is a workbook with about 30 ideas for lesson plans involving all curriculum areas and lots of great tips/resources)

Children, Adults, and Big Emotions Ft. Dr. Alana Lopez

Children, Adults, and Big Emotions Ft. Dr. Alana Lopez

Environment Ft. Julianne Wurm

Environment Ft. Julianne Wurm